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Feeling Lonely?

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Freebies! • 13m

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  • Feeling Lonely?

    Let's be honest: we are currently experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.

    In almost every 1:1 session I hold, clients express feeling disconnected, feeling isolated, and craving more connection. But, they're unsure of how to access that when managing symptoms, keeping up with daily acts of livi...

  • Parts Work, Turning Toward, & Tending...

    If you find yourself with a part (or multiple parts) of yourself that you don't like or wish would just go away... this group call is for you.

    What might it be like to speak to our parts like children, asking them what they need and responding with generosity and love?

    How might that change the...

  • EFT for Stress & Overwhelm

    It's part of the human experience to feel stressed, to get overwhelmed, to feel tossed about by how much there is to do...and it never ends.

    While we can't get rid of the stress, nor would we want a life that is completely stress-free, we CAN change how we relate to stress. We can change how we ...