

Entire library of tap alongs :)

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  • Food Fears & Gut Reactions

    Food fears, orthorexic behaviors, avoiding certain situations due to what we "can" or "can't" eat comes up a lot in the healing space.

    I get it because I was there!

    Rules start to take over. Safe foods and not-safe foods become the guidelines for every meal.

    What once felt joyful now feels me...


  • Body Checking

    For those of you that can't stop scanning for symptoms or "body checking" throughout your day: this is for you.

    The brain learns this habit from the innocent place of believing that staying hyper-focused on a symptom might help us "fix" it faster... In reality, the hyper-vigilance and constant b...

  • Releasing the Fear of Death

    If you find yourself constantly worried about dying and feeling overwhelmed with health anxiety with every symptom, diagnosis, test, protocol, procedure, this sequence is for you.

    Some people that follow Buddhism practice what is called a "death meditation," in which people meditate specificall...

  • How to Not Take On Other People's Moods

    Maybe you find yourself exhausted around certain people.

    Or maybe your partner or loved one: when they are in a grumpy, negative, angry, or dysregulated state, you can't help but feel dragged down by their energy.

    There's a difference between feeling empathy for someone going through a hard ti...

  • Grieving Loved Ones

    As our loved ones age, grief might arise as we notice how they're changing, how they're no longer the people we remember.

    We might notice anticipatory grief thinking about losing them, only to find it keeps us from being truly present during the time we still have left together.

    This tapping se...

  • Career Conundrums

    If you find yourself feeling behind your peers and unable to work in the ways you'd envisioned due to your current health situation, this one's for you.

    Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed with how long you've been feeling unwell.

    Maybe you're feeling a loss of identity that you'd crafted around...

  • How to Slow Down

    Many of us have learned to speed up as a response to things feeling overwhelming or out of control.

    Our breathing becomes shallow and our nervous system shifts into a sympathetic, stressed state as a result.

    If you're tired of the hustle, tired of moving at this unsustainable pace and wanting a...

  • Support for Long-Haulers

    We all know someone who experienced the chronic symptoms associated with you-know-what. You might be that person.

    You might be wondering: how long is this going to last? Am I going to feel this way forever? Will I ever get back to enjoying my life in the ways I used to before I got sick?


  • TTC After Miscarriages

    This sequence is to support your emotional landscape while trying to get pregnant after a miscarriage or multiple miscarriages.

    Let this serve as a reminder to soften, to slow down, and to trust that your body is doing its absolute best.

    After tapping, do you notice any perspectives have change...

  • Panic Attack Support

    It's one thing having panic attacks.

    It's another experiencing anxiety, dread, and low-level panic as you merely anticipate having a panic attack.

    Then there's the shame: Is there something wrong with me? Am I doing this to myself? Why can't I just keep it together?

    Stop stop stop.

    We don'...

  • Tapping for Transitions

    A big move?

    A new career?

    Saying goodbye to "home" in order to build a new one somewhere new?

    Here's to finding a sense of continuity in the midst of big changes, especially if a part of you associates changes with stress & overwhelm.

    I find it helpful to honor that transitions can bring up a...

  • Fear of Illness

    If you find yourself haunted by the idea of getting sick again or generally anxious about losing the health you've worked so hard to achieve, this tapping sequence is for you.

    When we learn to drop the fear and choose curiosity, surrender, and even the ability to adapt with a sense of confidence...

  • Support for People Pleasers

    It comes from a beautiful place: you've learned to put the needs of others before your own to make sure everyone around you feels taken care of and safe.

    However, this pattern can quickly become overwhelming when you find yourself saying yes to requests when your heart wants to do the opposite. ...

  • Trusting the Healing Process

    Having a brain is quite the experience... especially when we notice the majority of our thoughts don't feel helpful or enjoyable. You might find yourself doubting your ability to heal or perhaps you're imagining yourself getting sicker and sicker and never finding the health that you seek.


  • Gut Health and Food Fears

    I fully understand how exhausting it can be to feel like you've been "healing" your gut for so long, only to feel terrified of food and as if you haven't made any progress.

    If you find yourself with a sensitive gut and a complicated relationship with food, this is for you!

    Skip to 1:19 to jump ...

  • FOMO, Comparison, & Loneliness

    Most of us have a constant internal chatter that judges the moment, deciding what is good, what's bad, and for the most part, casting shame, judgement, or doubt on what it is we're doing at any given moment. That same chatter can create stories that make us feel lonely and isolated, like we're m...

  • How to Not Care What Other People Think

    There's a funny thing that happens when we learn to not judge others, we learn to not judge ourselves, and in doing so, we are free to BE ourselves.

    Yes, people will judge you, but perhaps you'll get to the point where you're excited to be judged because you know you're living your life accordin...

  • Reframing Regret

    Looking back with regret or even feeling fearful that you'll look back on a certain time with regret can be just the motivation we need to inspire us to live in such a way that we can look back on our lives and feel PROUD.

    That's within our control! That's within YOUR control!

    We end this group...

  • Fear of Doctor Appointments

    Oooof, this is something I still work on!

    As someone that over the years associated having panic attacks with doctor appointments and fainting with blood draws, I resonate with those of you that get anxious just thinking about an upcoming appointment.

    As you're probably well aware, this kind of...

  • Preparing to Give Birth

    For those of you gearing up for the big day and finding yourself filled with panic about what might happen, this is for you.

    As much as you can plan, prepare, and hope your birth looks a certain way, you can also honor that life tends to surprise us and asks us to open up in spaces we might stil...

  • Healing Childhood Memories

    If you find yourself carrying memories of the past that feel heavy, dark, and fill you with complicated feelings even now, this is for you.

    When it comes to healing the early life wounds so many of us carry, I find it helpful to look back and ask, "What can I offer myself now that I didn't rece...

  • Support for Nausea & Loss of Appetite

    Whatever the cause of your nausea and loss of appetite, use this sequence when you could use a little support in feeling just a bit better.

    I know from personal experience that pushing and forcing against the body never seems to work. Interestingly, listening to its symptoms and seeing them as ...

  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

    You might notice that as soon as you have the opportunity to teach or step up into a new position or role, your brain starts telling you that...

    "You're not good enough."
    "You don't know enough."
    "You're not as qualified as you should be."
    "Yada yada yada."

    This chattering voice that makes you ...

  • How to Trust Yourself

    How do you trust yourself when don't know what that feels like?

    How do you listen to your intuition when you can't hear your own inner guidance?

    How do you make decisions without constantly 2nd guessing yourself?

    It's challenging to think clearly when we are in the grips of fear. It's even mor...

  • Releasing Birth Trauma

    You may have planned the perfect home birth only to find yourself rushing to the hospital and things spiraling from there.

    I've heard from a surprising number of you that what took place at the hospital felt traumatic.

    In the aftermath, you might be filled with regret, wishing things went diffe...