Moving Through Social Anxiety
When focusing on healing, the world outside of your comfort zone might start to feel scary.
Even though you WANT to connect with friends and do things you did before you got "sick," it can feel overwhelming to think about social gatherings, leaving the house, making plans only to need to cancel ...
Releasing the Overwhelm about "Healing"
It can feel downright overwhelming to continually feel like you have to research and figure out your health, especially after you've tried so many protocols, seen so many doctors, stuck to all the diets, only to feel like nothing is working.
The journey can feel isolating. It might feel both em...
Tapping for a Lack of Sleep
Whether it's the full moon throwing off your sleep, a stressful day, your hormones, or you simply slept terribly for reasons that are still unknown or out of your control, this is for you!
Use this video whenever you're feeling overly run down and needing a mini re-set to get back on track for s...
Gratitude Burst
It can be easy to go through life sleepwalking, feeling overly-serious, feeling down, feeling overwhelmed, always feeling rushed. I get it because this is how I lived most of my life. It wasn't until my "healing crisis" woke me up to see that the freedom I thought was waiting for me someday in t...
Permission to Feel Good Now
Join our January group tapping call as we dive into what it means to give ourselves permission to feel the way we want to feel NOW, verus having to wait for life to look a certain way.
Unlike other calls, we start with tapping, so feel free to use the first portion of this video as a stand alone...
Fear of Diarrhea
If you find yourself fearful of having diarrhea, this one's for you.
I get it: it can feel uncomfortable to be out in public or at a friends house, not knowing when the gurgles will start. You might find yourself self-conscious, which only compounds the discomfort you already feel.
But what if...
Releasing the Need to Change Your Partner
You might notice that certain tendencies or habits that your partner has really get under your skin.
You might find yourself wishing and wanting them to change, only to feel frustrated when they don't readily adopt your ideal habits.
Sometimes it can feel like even when we point something out l...
Feeling Behind in Life/Healing
I've heard varying iterations of:
"I feel so behind in life"
"I can't believe this is what my life looks like"
"I'll never get this time back"
"It feels like my life is passing me by..."
These are thoughts I personally experienced in the thickest layers of illness where I physically could not ... -
Working with Heightened Sensitivities
Heightened sensitivities can throw us into full on panic-mode when our brains sound alarm bells in response to certain stimuli.
Maybe it's a certain chemical smell. Or perhaps, a certain volume and intensity of sound that triggers your nervous system to spiral into panic.
Maybe it's a combinati...
Caring for Those with Chronic Illness
Some of you are currently taking care of those with chronic illnesses and complicated symptoms.
Coming from a place of love and wanting to relieve their suffering, it is easy to identify with their suffering and without realizing it, adding to the heightened sense of stress for both your loved o...
Releasing Regret
We all have our moments where after the fact, we wish we did things differently...
Maybe you wish you didn't say something...or maybe you wish you DID say something...
Perhaps you wish you didn't do something...wish you chose to do the other thing instead...
Maybe now you're feeling conflicte...
Tapping for Body Trust, Ease, & Mobilizing Anger
This is just the tapping sequence from our group call "Releasing Anger, Trusting Your Body, & Letting it Be Easy."
Releasing Anger, Trusting Your Body, & Letting it Be Easy
I get messages and emails every day from people that are feeling confused, overwhelmed, and stressed out by the conflicting information about what you "should" do to heal.
Then there's the anger. The rage of having learned the hard way that the medical system is incapable of providing the healt...
Releasing the Identity of Being "Sick"
When you've been sick for quite some time, you might start to identify as being chronically ill, that "sick" person in the room that can't do things your "healthy" friends can do.
Anyone relate to this?
You might forget who you were without these symptoms.
You might forget how you'd like to be...
Releasing the Fear of Exercise
I've heard from so many of you how terrified you feel to exercise.
You find yourself worried about:
-causing a flare-up
-dealing with so much fatigue you can't function
-not feeling safe or healthy enough to even attempt a workout
-doing harm to the health you've worked so hard to achieveYou m...
EFT for Infertility
I know firsthand how earth shattering it can be to receive this diagnosis.
The emotional impact seems like the greatest, as we wonder if our bodies are broken or damaged beyond repair.
Perhaps we fret about how we should've done better in the past taking care of ourselves, avoided the pill, ea...
Morning Anxiety Support
It can happen even before you open your eyes...
The mind likes to chew on things and for some of us, that chewing can create a scenario of panic, overwhelm, and spiraling into states of anxiety.
This is something I worked on for many years until one day, it shifted into a sense of genuine excit...
Medical Anxiety
Got health anxiety? Let's tap to release the panic!
This tapping sequence is for all of you with binders of lab tests, shoe boxes of supplements, who have seen practitioner after doctor after naturopath and still feel kind of blah with gut issues, hormonal imbalances, "mystery" symptoms, fatigue...
Body Acceptance
I often get questions on the spectrum of:
"How do I love my body when I am gaining so much weight?"
"How do I accept myself when I am so thin and look so sickly?"
"I've gained so much weight after my 2nd baby and I don't feel good in my clothes, how could I love being so big when I used to be ...
Tapping for Loneliness
The last couple of years might've brought up intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, and feeling alone in the midst of trying to heal.
If this resonates, I had you in mind while filming this simple eft sequence.
I know firsthand that the brain likes to test us and challenge us with the op...
Parts Work, Turning Toward, & Tending to Ourselves
If you find yourself with a part (or multiple parts) of yourself that you don't like or wish would just go away... this group call is for you.
What might it be like to speak to our parts like children, asking them what they need and responding with generosity and love?
How might that change the...
Healing Pounds
Many of you have put on a significant amount of weight in your attempt to heal or eat "pro-metabolically" only to feel confused, overwhelmed, and shameful when it comes to the size and shape of your current body.
There's the rage for blindly following what you learned on instagram, thinking you ...
Tapping for Bloated Bellies
Gut issues, belly pain, SIBO, bloating, gas, constipation, & even the weight gain around our tums can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and distract us from being truly present.
I know these feelings FAR too well.
💧Fasting did not work.
🍠Low FODMAP didn’t work.
🍒Fruitarian destroyed me.
🥦AIP went ... -
Tapping for Insomnia
I know the feeling of when day three of watching the clock tick tick tick made me want to punch walls and kick through doors...
Lack of sleep brings out our demons.
It makes us more susceptible to immune dysfunction, it makes our stress resilience drop, and starts eating away at our muscles......
Tired of Being Single
Afraid that you are destined to die alone because you just haven't found that person that makes the world slip away?
Do you find yourself worried and thinking that there must be something wrong with you and THAT'S preventing you from finding love?
Maybe you feel that no one could possibly love ...