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Releasing the Fear of Death

Tap-alongs • 13m


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How to Not Take On Other People's Moods

Maybe you find yourself exhausted around certain people.

Or maybe your partner or loved one: when they are in a grumpy, negative, angry, or dysregulated state, you can't help but feel dragged down by their energy.

There's a difference between feeling empathy for someone going through a hard ti...

Grieving Loved Ones

As our loved ones age, grief might arise as we notice how they're changing, how they're no longer the people we remember.

We might notice anticipatory grief thinking about losing them, only to find it keeps us from being truly present during the time we still have left together.

This tapping se...

Career Conundrums

If you find yourself feeling behind your peers and unable to work in the ways you'd envisioned due to your current health situation, this one's for you.

Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed with how long you've been feeling unwell.

Maybe you're feeling a loss of identity that you'd crafted around...