Golden Light NSDR
Have you ever noticed how certain colors make you feel happy?
Have you noticed how certain grey days make you feel down?
Have you noticed how a sunny day after a long stretch of rain allows you to feel bouncy and excited again?
Tune into this NSDR meditation when you're craving both deep relax...
How to Stop Blaming Yourself
There will be moments where you feel like it's your fault. Like you messed up. Where you so badly wish you could go back and do things differently.
Part of the beauty of really messing up is knowing that the only way forward is to do differently the next time around because you learned so deeply...
Tapping for Hope When You Feel Stuck
The healing journey isn't linear. I would also add that it's not easy.
We are continually grasping for stable ground, finding it, only to feel like it disappears as quickly as it arrives.
It can feel like you don't even know who you'd be without all these symptoms, let alone how you'd be spend...
Releasing Stress & Overwhelm Meditation
I get it: there are days where everything feels overwhelming.
There are days when everything feels like too much.
There are moments where stress feels so intense that you can't even remember what it felt like to not be stressed.
Let's calm the chaos as a community by merely following along to ...
Healing the Abandonment Wound
The fear of being abandoned and ending up alone/unloved is one that generally starts WAY back in childhood.
It continues showing its face when deep down, we are scared to get too close to anyone out of fear of losing them.
This shows up in subtle forms of self-sabotage, pulling away when others...
Heal While You Walk
Use this walking meditation either in complete visualization or as a guide on your next stroll around the neighborhood.
As always, I'm curious what these bring up for you all. Do share below if you feel so called!
Fear of Being Too Much
So many of you have expressed the feeling of being "too much" for others.
As a result, you've learned to shapeshift and be a certain way depending on the context, only to never feel like you can show up as fully & authentically you.
Let's tap on this together to see what we can shift!
What w...
Begin Again!
We allllll have those days where we wake up and we feel a little off.
We feel a little grumpy. A little anxious. A little extra poky.
If this happens to you randomly or maybe more days than you'd like to admit, try out this video and see what happens!
Extended Exhales, Getting Unstuck, Guilt, Gratitude, & Resiliency
Ever since we started keeping the group workshops a bit more open and flowing, I must admit: they've become that much juicier and actionable!
Join us for a discussion on everything from breathing, feeling stuck, people pleasing at our own expense, dealing with feelings of guilt, making space for...
Screen Addiction
We live in funny times.
Social media can be an exciting place for finding recipes, seeing neat photos, finding new "health"& fashion information, watching piglets cuddle with kittens, staying connected with internet friends, following inspiring "influencers" ... It can also be a platform that cr...
Releasing the Panic about Driving
Driving can be incredibly triggering.
If you have a history of having panic attacks while on the road or find yourself anxious in anticipation of experiencing panic, I personally understand how tricky this cycle can be.
What often helps us step out of this sneaky catch-22s is taking the ittiest...
Stressed about Stress
Isn't it funny how we can compound the stress we're already experiencing by stressing about the fact that we're experiencing stress?
If you find yourself in this loop, try this video to gracefully step outside of the cycle and start anew.
Moving Through Challenging Emotions
We've all had those moments... coming down from a conflict or intense conversation, only to feel thrown off for what feels like much longer than we'd like.
Or perhaps an emotion comes up and you're not sure what to do with it...maybe even feeling like you don't want to feel it and wish it would ...
Mold Exposure
Mold exposure seems to be coming up a lot these days.
It was a big part of my "healing" journey so I can also resonate with the extreme overwhelm and panic that mold exposure can bring up on top of the physical symptoms that lean us towards a state of anxiety and panic.
After tapping, does anyt...
Celebrating Progress, Unpacking Disappointment, Fatigue, Fear, + Humor
What a delightful group call colored by your active use of the chat box.
Going forward, I'll plan to lean on what is coming up for you in the moment, so we can (in real time!) touch on what might be stressing you out, overwhelming your thoughts, and causing you to feel more serious than you'd li...
Flare-Ups from Exercise
Exercise intolerance is VERY common as we slowly rebuild our health and regain our resiliency.
It can be disheartening, frustrating, and sometimes trigger deep sadness when something that "should" be god for us seems to trigger intense flare-ups of fatigue.
If you're currently trying to increas...
Tapping for Indecision
When it comes to making decisions, you might notice that even basic choices bring up a bit of tension & overwhelm in your system.
This comes from a good place! There's a part of you wanting to make sure you make the right decision and don't feel a sense of regret or missing out after the fact.
Tapping for Gloomy Weather
We're getting to that point in winter where the grey, gloomy, wet, rainy, and dark days are starting to wear on some of us.
If you find yourself feeling "seasonally affected" and not sure what to do about it, start here.
I'm wondering: how do you feel after taping along with this sequence?
Freedom from Comparison
I've heard from so many of you about the inner voice in your head that constantly tells you how you're not enough, especially compared to others...
You're not good enough.
You're not smart enough.
Attractive enough.
Capable enough.
Pretty enough.
Healthy Enough.
You aren't doing enough...Enoug...
Learning to Trust Again
After betrayal, it can feel difficult to trust others.
Even in "safe" relationships, you might find yourself cautious, not completely sure that someone means what they say, perhaps concerned that with time, this person too will also betray you.
If you're currently healing wounds of betrayal and...
Moving Through Social Anxiety
When focusing on healing, the world outside of your comfort zone might start to feel scary.
Even though you WANT to connect with friends and do things you did before you got "sick," it can feel overwhelming to think about social gatherings, leaving the house, making plans only to need to cancel ...
Releasing the Overwhelm about "Healing"
It can feel downright overwhelming to continually feel like you have to research and figure out your health, especially after you've tried so many protocols, seen so many doctors, stuck to all the diets, only to feel like nothing is working.
The journey can feel isolating. It might feel both em...
Tapping for a Lack of Sleep
Whether it's the full moon throwing off your sleep, a stressful day, your hormones, or you simply slept terribly for reasons that are still unknown or out of your control, this is for you!
Use this video whenever you're feeling overly run down and needing a mini re-set to get back on track for s...
Gratitude Burst
It can be easy to go through life sleepwalking, feeling overly-serious, feeling down, feeling overwhelmed, always feeling rushed. I get it because this is how I lived most of my life. It wasn't until my "healing crisis" woke me up to see that the freedom I thought was waiting for me someday in t...