When we're experiencing feelings we prefer not to feel, it makes complete sense that we often want to hurry up and feel better, which implies we need to change the less than desirable feelings and find a way to drop into the better feelings.
When we continually run away from certain feelings, we send the signal to the body that it is not safe to feel that way.
When we send a signal that we are lacking safety, we unknowingly perpetuate the loop that we can only allow ourselves to soften when we feel the way we want to feel.
Somatic experiencing is a wonderful way to bring in a sense of curiosity to whatever we are experiencing and genuinely learn to be with what is coming up for us. With time, gentleness, and non-judgmental practice, our window of tolerance expands and with that, our ability to feel what needs to be felt becomes much more simple than we've been allowing it to be.
Enjoy this guided somatic experiencing session. Use it whenever you're feeling slightly overwhelmed or anxious and wanting to lean in instead of having to run away or fix what you're experiencing.
Let me know in the comments how it feels :)
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