I've been there, too...
Even recently, I found myself thinking: I don't really have time to lay down and do a full NSDR.
I think I'd rather watch an episode on Netflix instead of a NSDR tonight...
The house is a mess: I "should" use this time to clean up a bit and I can do my NSDR another night.
However, I'm at the point where I realize that skimping on my self-care has seriously deleterious effects on my sleep and sense of regulation: by skipping my nightly NSDR, I find myself less able to focus during the day, waking up throughout the night, and generally feeling a bit more rigid and irritable than I'd like... which costs me more of the time I (innocently) thought I was saving by skipping the practice!
Now, I notice the resistance and remember how happy my future self will be when I stick to my daily NSDR practice. Sometimes, I do 45 minutes. Other nights, I do something shorter.
Cheers to taking care of yourself even when your brain is making excuses. After the initial transition period, this mini NSDR is about 10 minutes total. Enjoy!
Up Next in Meditations
Belly Smile NSDR
From what I've gathered, many of you have been enjoying the NSDR meditations as part of your self-care and stress management.
I like them, too. I also like making them!
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Following Your Own Path with Confidence
Oh how I love these group workshops.
Join us for a guided NSDR practice and then a discussion on showing up confidently despite societal and cultural conditioning to feel ashamed or not good enough.
If you end up listening to the replay, I'd love to hear your takeaways in the comments below.
Oak Tree Visualization
Y'all know I'm a firm believer of training the brain to entertain thoughts that are helpful, empowering, & inspiring.
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