For when you're wanting to lay down and shift your mental landscape a little more passively, these guided practices are intended to massage your brain to a place of comfort, calm, and genuine relaxation at a pace that works for your nervous system.
Get cozy, grab a blanket: you miiiiight just fall asleep :)
Somatic Experiencing for Grief
You've probably heard how important it is to release trapped emotions. You may have also heard how when emotions get "stuck" in the body, it can create a range of physical symptoms related to a dysregulated immune system: impaired digestion + food sensitivities, insomnia, chronic fatigue, hormona...
Mid-Day Nap Meditation
Most of us experience a mid-day slump, somewhere between 1 and 3pm.
While we might feel pressured to push through, caffeinate, or use cortisol to power through, research shows us that just 20-minutes of rest can actually rejuvenate our energy, significantly boost our dopamine levels, and make ou...
Walking Meditation for Self-Compassion
The concept of loving and fully accepting yourself might feel far off or even impossible.
Faking it doesn't work. The body doesn't like to be lied to if you genuinely don't feel love and acceptance towards yourself.
We can start to open up to the possibility of learning to love ourselves (auth...
Gentle Morning Practice
I know that many of you wake up and feel immediately stressed with racing thoughts, to do lists, body scanning, and generally feeling overwhelmed and rushed before you've even gotten out of bed.
Use this gentle guided practice to set the tone for your day so you can FEEL the way you want to. You...
Somatic Experiencing for Anxiety + Overwhelm
When we're experiencing feelings we prefer not to feel, it makes complete sense that we often want to hurry up and feel better, which implies we need to change the less than desirable feelings and find a way to drop into the better feelings.
When we continually run away from certain fe...
Be Where You Are
Imagine if just for a moment, you could be right where you find yourself, without feeling the need to fix, escape, or manipulate your experience to be anything other than what it is.
This guided yoga nidra will help you settle into this very moment, releasing the need to change anything about wh...
Wildflower Yoga Nidra/NSDR
This guided yoga nidra (NSDR) can be used anytime of day or night to help your body shift into a deeply relaxing state.
Yoga nidra is unique in the sense that it can help mitigate the effects of a lack of sleep and can be especially helpful to do during an afternoon slump. Instead of powering th...
NSDR for Busy Minds
Use this NSDR whenever you feel wired but tired, exhausted and overwhelmed, or caught in a loop of worrisome thinking.
Floating into Rest NSDR
Every NSDR is a little different. Take the time to find the ones that resonate with your nervous system
Letting Go
If you're new to NSDR meditations, welcome!
The studies on NSDR/yoga nidra are amazing, showing a replenishment of brain dopamine by up to 60% after passively listening to a guided session.
What's also unique is the feeling of having slept an entirely full night of sleep even after 10-20 minute...
11 Minute NSDR
I've been there, too...
Even recently, I found myself thinking: I don't really have time to lay down and do a full NSDR.
I think I'd rather watch an episode on Netflix instead of a NSDR tonight...
The house is a mess: I "should" use this time to clean up a bit and I can do my NSDR another nigh...
Belly Smile NSDR
From what I've gathered, many of you have been enjoying the NSDR meditations as part of your self-care and stress management.
I like them, too. I also like making them!
Here's another guided NSDR intended to help you release tension & stress while also bringing some warmth and connection back i...
Following Your Own Path with Confidence
Oh how I love these group workshops.
Join us for a guided NSDR practice and then a discussion on showing up confidently despite societal and cultural conditioning to feel ashamed or not good enough.
If you end up listening to the replay, I'd love to hear your takeaways in the comments below.
Oak Tree Visualization
Y'all know I'm a firm believer of training the brain to entertain thoughts that are helpful, empowering, & inspiring.
The same is true when it comes to utilizing visualization as a tool. We could think of it as a more passive (yet still effective) form of brain retraining/ nervous system regulat...
Golden Light NSDR
Have you ever noticed how certain colors make you feel happy?
Have you noticed how certain grey days make you feel down?
Have you noticed how a sunny day after a long stretch of rain allows you to feel bouncy and excited again?
Tune into this NSDR meditation when you're craving both deep relax...
Releasing Stress & Overwhelm Meditation
I get it: there are days where everything feels overwhelming.
There are days when everything feels like too much.
There are moments where stress feels so intense that you can't even remember what it felt like to not be stressed.
Let's calm the chaos as a community by merely following along to ...
Heal While You Walk
Use this walking meditation either in complete visualization or as a guide on your next stroll around the neighborhood.
As always, I'm curious what these bring up for you all. Do share below if you feel so called!
NSDR: 30 minutes
As requested, here's an extended non-sleep deep rest guided meditation.
Use this if you are running on a lack of sleep, wake up frequently, or find it difficult to fall asleep.
Clinical trials show us that non-sleep deep rest can actually lower cortisol, improve our day-time focus, and reduce o...
Deep Rest Guided Relaxation
There will be days where you feel exhausted.
There will be days when you feel so tired yet despite needing more rest, can't seem to fall or stay asleep.
Use this guided relaxation when you'd like some support falling asleep, if you wake up in the middle of the night, or (my personal favorite) i...
Sparkling Snow Meditation
The power of visualizations can dramatically shift our experience of a moment. Even on the hottest summer days, try this one out and see what might open up for you in the process of feeling just a bit more awe & inspiration of the world we find ourselves in.
Cozy Blanket Meditation
This guided meditation helps you step into that cozy, cuddly, warm, & fuzzy feeling, whenever you need to slow down and recalibrate.
I find it helpful for winding down before bed or whenever you feel like you're "buzzing" and just want to slooooooooowwww dowwwwwnnnnn.
In just 10 minutes, what...
Morning Shift Meditation
If you tend to wake up and already feel panicked as you rush into your day... this is for you.
Take a few moments to do this before falling asleep, so as to prime your brain for what might be a possibility in how you start the following day.
You might even notice that you sleep better, as well!
Just Breathing Guided Meditation
When stressed, we tend to breathe quite shallow and clench our bellies.
Let's soften into the body without making it TOO complicated.
This is the breathwork for people that don't enjoy breathwork.
Curious: how did it feel? How do YOU feel after following along?
The Hug Meditation
Hugs are unique in that they can actually drop adrenaline & cortisol levels and allow us to return to a place of balance.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could harness the power of a hug without needing anyone to be around?
That's what this meditation is for. Use it whenever you're feeling lonely, o...