Group Calls

For those of you that couldn't attend live, I will start posting the recordings here. For those of you that did attend live, feel free to use this as a reference to tap along to in a group setting!

  • How to Not Care What Other People Think

    There's a funny thing that happens when we learn to not judge others, we learn to not judge ourselves, and in doing so, we are free to BE ourselves.

    Yes, people will judge you, but perhaps you'll get to the point where you're excited to be judged because you know you're living your life accordin...

  • Reframing Regret

    Looking back with regret or even feeling fearful that you'll look back on a certain time with regret can be just the motivation we need to inspire us to live in such a way that we can look back on our lives and feel PROUD.

    That's within our control! That's within YOUR control!

    We end this group...

  • Worst-Case Scenario Loops

    Part of existing in a hyper-vigilant state is learning to assume that things will go terribly wrong.

    But what if...things work out?

    What if... things end up being a bit more beautiful than we've yet imagined?

    Follow along for some of the ways this sneaky pattern finds its way into our thinking...

  • Tapping on Fatigue

    Fatigue and the stories it brings up can trigger even more stress as we worry how we will make it if we are this tired.... how will we possibly be able to function in this world if we are already this depleted?

    Here's to shifting our perspective on fatigue and allowing the body the time and spac...

  • Body Conversations

    Being in a body comes with sometimes daily surprises as layers of stories, conditioning, and stored memories ebb and flow.

    How do we handle it all?!

    Slowly, peacefully, tenderly...

    In this group call, we touch on several stories of not feeling safe in our body, identifying with being sick,...