Tapping for Confidence
Confidence & Body Image
Perhaps you've been collecting data as to why you are not worthy and don't deserve to feel confident.
Perhaps you doubt yourself and always have.
Maybe, you've always felt like you weren't very pretty, not very smart, not very capable, and don't feel surprised when your turned down from a job or from a potential partner.
Perhaps you doubt yourself even when it comes to making basic decisions.
I've got good news for you: no one is born confident. It's not a fixed trait, but instead, something we develop and grow with time, experience, surrounding ourselves with people that genuinely believe in our worth and our ability to succeed, and by (lovingly!) challenging limiting notions that feed into self doubt & shame. When we start to see challenges as opportunities to grow our competence (and therefore our feelings of confidence to move forward in life), then we no longer have to be afraid. We get to grow and learn and expand despite our old habits of using challenges to shrink and hold ourselves back.
We can learn to step into a "bring it on" attitude and in doing, our experience of ourselves and the world starts to shift, even when things don't go as planned.
(After tapping, let me know if there are any lingering thoughts/doubts/concerns. If so, I'll make another video addressing some of those thoughts that might be blocking your ability to start building a sense of confidence & learning to truly embrace your worth as a human.)
Up Next in Confidence & Body Image
Reframing "Feeling Fat"
Body image is a tricky thing.
So much of what we've been conditioned to believe about our weight, our appearance, the shape of our nose, what makes us "beautiful" or not, is exactly that: it's conditioning.
Our task is to question the stories that are not ours to carry.
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How to Stop Blaming Yourself
There will be moments where you feel like it's your fault. Like you messed up. Where you so badly wish you could go back and do things differently.
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Fear of Being Too Much
So many of you have expressed the feeling of being "too much" for others.
As a result, you've learned to shapeshift and be a certain way depending on the context, only to never feel like you can show up as fully & authentically you.
Let's tap on this together to see what we can shift!
What w...