I know from speaking to so many of you that slow motility, constipation, and the perpetual management of the bowels is something that takes up a lot of mind space. (I get it, I really do.)
I know from personal experience when I lost all gut motility how energy intensive it is to be backed up and how it's the fastest way to spiral into thoughts of negativity, hopelessness, and overwhelm.
The overburdened gut is literally sending signals of danger to the brain, so it's not surprising that our moods quickly match the sludge that is "stuck" inside of us.
Yet, we don't need to add EXTRA STRESS to an already stressed system! We can LEARN to relax, even when things are not as we want them to be.
Use this video whenever you're feeling anxious about being backed up or even ANTICIPATING being backed up even as you're falling asleep at night.
So curious: what does this sequence open up for you? What else are you ready to release today?